We have finalized all of the camping dates for next year. You can find the dates on our Camping Schedule webpage and on the Troop Google Calendar. Please be assured that these dates will not change and that you can rely upon the dates when planning out your year.
We will update the Camp Schedule with the camp themes and locations once the PLC has met later this Summer.
Camp Dates
September: 23-25
October: 21-23
November: 4-6
December: 9-11
January: 13-15
February: 3-5
April: 7-9
May: 19-21
June: 9-11
July 9-15 – Summer Camp, Heritage Scout Reservation
Additional Camps
Webelos Camp: Winter One-Nighter: January 7-8 (SPLs, Troop Guides & Den Chiefs)
High Adventure: Philmont: June 15-28