Philmont Crew 616-E-02 Shakedown Hike Saturday May 27th

Philmont Crew Two will be having their 8 Mile Shakedown hike Saturday May 27th.  All scouts in the crew are expected to attend.  We will meet at 8:30AM at the Everett’s Covered Bridge Parking Lot.

This 8 mile hike is a Shakedown hike.  This means that scouts will arrive at the trek with their backpacks fully packed as if they were going to Philmont – this includes wearing the very clothes a scout plans to wear at Philmont.

Scouts and parents, please use this week to finalize your gear!  Properly preparing for the shakedown hike is an important dress rehearsal for next month’s trek.  Remember too, it’s important to choose clothing and gear that is as light as possible.  Your backpack should weigh no more than 25 pounds.

If you have any questions about this weekend’s Shakedown trek, please ask either your crew leader Garrett C. or crew advisor Mr. Tirey.

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