Fall Troop Court of Honor – Tuesday, October 16th

The first Court of Honor of the scouting year will be held on Tuesday, October 16th, at Chapman Elementary School, from 6:30-8:30. For this ceremony, scouts should be dressed in their full Class-A uniform, which includes the neckerchief, and any sashes. The Tigers patrol has been asked to help with set-up, so they should arrive at 6:10, with all other scouts arriving by 6:20. The Wolves patrol has been assigned to assist with clean-up after the ceremony.

We will be recognizing those scouts who have advanced in rank, earned merit badges, and have assumed a position of responsibility with the troop, along with presenting other awards representing milestones in camping, hiking, and community service. There will also be a slideshow of camping pictures. All scouts and their families should please plan to attend, and join us in supporting and recognizing your fellow troop members.

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