VERY IMPORTANT – Camping Signup Protocol

Many of our scouts were not signed up for camp in September. Please utilize the following protocol to sign your scout up for camp:

ALL signups MUST be done through TroopWebHost. Please sign into your account, go the the calendar, find the activity for which you are signing up, and indicate your Scout’s plans for the camp. If your scout will arrive late or leave early, include that information in the comments section.

Turning in a check at the Tuesday meeting is not sufficient to sign your Scout up for camp. All Scouts must be signed up through TroopWebHost.

ALL signups MUST be completed by the Tuesday prior to camp, at midnight. Early on Wednesday, the adult leaders and parent volunteers need to have a correct headcount to decide on and complete food purchases, and to arrange transportation for the scouts. Late signups may result in your scout being unable to camp, or may require you to transport your scout yourself.

After you have signed your Scout up for camp, please go to the Friday driver and Sunday driver signup pages (available on the Calendar page), and sign up to help with transportation. Remember, every family is responsible for transporting a carload of scouts twice a year per scout, not counting mother-son camp, father-son camp, or any times you drive your scout separately from the troop.

If you have any difficulty using TroopWebHost for signups on Tuesday, please call or text Laura (440-821-2445) early Wednesday so she can correct the signup. Laura is also happy to review the TroopWebHost site with you at a Tuesday meeting.

Thank you for your cooperation!

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