Viking Christmas Camp – Dec. 7-8

The Troop 701 Annual Christmas Camp will be the weekend of December 7-8. Please note that we will be departing for camp on Saturday morning (we will meet at Chapman at 8 AM) as opposed to Friday night. This is due to there being less cabins available for us to use this year, so we will need to use the main lodge building to sleep in. The cost for the weekend is $20, and we are asking that you please sign-up on TroopWebHost by Sunday, December 1st.

With all of the fun activities that the PLC has planned (including swimming in an indoor pool!), it is VERY IMPORTANT that each scout brings some additional special gear/items to camp:

-Class A Uniform
-One gallon of drinking water to share.
-One dozen homemade cookies. Please put your last name on the cookie container, if you want it returned.
-Swimsuit, towel, goggles (and a plastic bag to put the wet swimsuit and towel in after we are done swimming).
-Christmas decorations and lights for decorating your bunk, and your Patrol Leader! Please don’t bring any tinsel, as it is very difficult to sweep up.
-Candy and supplies for the gingerbread house building competition.
-A gift for the gift exchange. The gift should be valued at $15, and needs to be wrapped (but not tagged). Please bring a fun gift that would be appropriate for a 12-year old scout.
-Cold-weather clothing and gear. There are a lot of outdoor activities planned for this camp as well, so please bring warm socks, boots, gloves, and a warm hat (a lot of scouts bring a Santa Hat for this camp).
-Your white or green advancement book.

The Camp will be held at Camp Paradise, just south of Medina. There are heated cabins, indoor bathrooms, and a lodge building we will use for the activities, although the patrols will be cooking outside. Christmas Camp is one of the most fun camps of the year, and one where we even have some alumni scouts join us for the weekend, so we hope to see all of you there!

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