Troop 701 COVID-19 Update

Thank you all for your cooperation and understanding surrounding the decision to cancel Father & Son Camp, as well as suspend all of our in-person meetings and activities. We are especially grateful for everyone’s quick response to the camp cancellation email that went out last week. As a troop, we are trying to do our part to be socially responsible, and help limit the spread of COVID-19 in our community. Please see the post below for a listing of additional cancellations over the next few weeks.

When making any critical decision for our program, we always look towards the Scout Oath and Law for guidance. In this case, we especially considered the first point of the Scout Law: A Scout is Trustworthy. We want all of our scouts and their families to trust that the safety and well being of our members is always first and foremost in our minds.

While we will not be meeting in-person as a group, that does not mean that you can’t continue to be a Scout! As scouts, and by following the Scout Oath and Law, we are in a special position to be a force of good during this unique time.

Be Brave, by showing strength, and being aware and prepared. We will all have to act in ways that are unfamiliar to us in order to keep ourselves, and others, safe.

Be Clean, by washing your hands, not touching your face, and practicing social/physical distancing, especially if you are sick.

Be Helpful, by asking how or what it is you can do to help, as opposed to waiting to be asked to do something.

Be Obedient, by not neglecting your schoolwork, and fulfilling the responsibilities that are expected of you.

Be Kind, by being a positive influence on others around you, and being mindful and compassionate to the challenges they may be going through.

And most importantly, Be Cheerful! While we are all disappointed that we have to take a break from participating in activities we enjoy, that does not mean you still can’t lead a cheerful life. Spend some time outside by taking a walk, or riding your bike. Participate responsibly in virtual activities that allow you to socially interact with your family members and friends (and yes, video games, in moderation, would count for this!). Practice and learn some rank requirements, or work on an Eagle-required merit badge. And try your best to keep a positive attitude! Although it will feel like a long time, our meetings, camp outs, and time spent in-person with one another will return. And that is certainly something that I am very much looking forward to!

I am happy to report that our amazing adult leadership team is already working on ways for us to hold virtual meetings over the next few weeks. Please read below for some initial information on what we have in store.

Stay safe, and please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself, or any of our adult leaders, for any reason, scouting related or not.

Wes Kent

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