Leader’s Camp – August 11-13

This years Leader’s Camp and Planning Conference will be the weekend of August 11-13, at St. Ambrose Catholic Parish in Brunswick. All PLC members (SPL, ASPL’s, PL’s, APL’s, JASM), Quartermasters, Troop Guides, and Instructors are asked/expected to attend. This includes our patrol QM’s and patrol Instructors. We will meet at the church on Friday at 7:00 PM, and are expecting to be finished with camp on Sunday at 12:00 PM. The cost for the weekend is $20. Everyone should also bring some additional spending money ($5-10), as we are planning to walk across the street to Honey Hut Ice Cream on Saturday evening. Please sign up for camp on TroopWebHost.

We will be tenting in a field at the church, so we are asking everyone to bring their own tent for the weekend, as our QM team usually does a troop tent inventory during the camp. However, if you need to use a troop tent, we can certainly have one available. In addition to the typical gear you would bring for a tent camp, please bring a notebook and pen/pencil. PLC members also need to bring at least three camp theme ideas with them. At camp, the youth leadership will work together, and as separate teams, to plan out a lot of the activities for the upcoming year. In addition to planning, there will also be leadership skill instruction, along with some fun activities. We really need all hands on deck to make sure we prepare the best year possible, so we hope that all of you will be able to join us for the weekend!

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