We Have A Bus!

What an amazing example of teamwork happened at Applebee’s on Saturday! Thank you to all of you who joined the effort and made the morning fun and very successful. After expenses, our total profits were $3486.05. Plus, the troop sold $330 for the Rotary Club Duck Race (with the troop receiving a portion of these sales back as well). Special thanks goes to

  • Linda Klaben who managed ticket sales
  • Tom and Darla Coray who created the wonderful baskets and managed the raffle sales during the event
  • Mary Cooper and Beth Tong-Miller who helped make the entire morning run more efficiently
  • the Silver-Riskin family who organized the popcorn sales and provided a relaxing musical performance to keep us calm, especially during that initial seating rush.
  • to Scott Horan who printed the placemats for the event
  • Our older scouts whose teamwork kept all the customers happy
  • Our younger scouts who sold lots of raffle tickets, popcorn, and ducks to those happy customers
  • to ALL our adult leaders and family members who joined in to support the scouts in their efforts.
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