Backpack Borrowing/Fitting and Gear Shakedown

If a scout needs to borrow a backpack for the upcoming backpacking treks, the troop does have a limited number available to lend out.  We will have them at the meeting this Tuesday, and will work with each scout to find one that best fits them. Also, if a scout already has a backpack, but would like some help making sure that it fits him correctly (as he has probably grown since the last time he used it), he is welcome to bring it with him to the meeting, and we will help with any adjustments that need to be made.

For the meeting on October 9th, every scout going on the Mohican Trek (6th and 7th grade) should bring their backpack, with the gear packed in it that they plan to bring to camp (except the food).  The Instructors and Adult Leaders will go through their gear with them, and offer tips and suggestions.  If a scout is not attending Backpack Camp, or still needs to borrow a pack on that night, they should bring their backpacking gear in a duffel bag, so that they can participate in the instructional session for this meeting.  Also, if any other scouts would like to bring their gear to be looked over, they are certainly welcome to.

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