Yard Charge & Kiwanis Flag Raising – Saturday, November 3rd

We need all Scouts, parents, families and friends of 701 to join us on our big day of service to the Strongsville community this Saturday, November 3rd. We will start our day at 9:00 AM on the Strongsville Commons, setting up flags for Veterans Day with the Kiwanis Club. We will then join the Yard Charge project, raking leaves for the elderly and disabled in our community.

We currently have 22 households who have asked for our help with their leaves this year, but we need at least twice as many workers to be able to help all of these seniors.

Please sign up as soon as possible on TroopWebHost, and please feel free to bring friends from school, church, or other groups to join in this worthwhile effort.

Tom Coray and Scott Weeks, our chairs for the event, have organized the yards so most volunteer teams will work on 1-3 yards in close proximity to each other, with the goal of having the work completed around 12-1pm. If you can help for only a portion of the morning, please note that information on your TWH signup – any help will be much appreciated!

Be sure to dress for the weather, bring your own leaf-gathering equipment (rakes, blowers, work gloves, tarps, etc.), and a water bottle.

If you have questions or would like to organize a team of friends from an outside group, please contact Tom (CorayT@GOJO.COM) or Scott. Yard Charge is one of our troop’s most important and beneficial service projects of the year, so please make time to assist us on the morning of November 3rd. Thanks so much for your help!

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