Mother & Son Space Camp – January 18th-20th

In a galaxy not too far away (Camp Butler in Peninsula), Troop 701 will be embarking on their Space Camp, scheduled for the weekend of January 18-20. This is also our Mother & Son camp for this scouting year. We hope you can join us for some out of this world fun! Sign-ups are available on TroopWebHost. Please note the following sign-up instructions for the weekend:

-Moms are welcome to cabin-camp with us for the entire weekend. The cabins are heated, with indoor bathrooms. Each mom will have a bunk with a mattress, but should plan on bringing their own sheet/bedding/sleeping bag, etc. The cost for camping for moms for either or both nights will be $25 (same cost as for scouts).
-If a mom wants to attend only during the day on Saturday, please plan to arrive around 9:00 am and stay until after the scouts’ campfire program at 9:30 pm. The cost of day-tickets for moms is $10. Please indicate your choice (camping or just attending during the day) on your TroopWebHost sign-up.

Since this is a winter camp, all participants (scouts and adults) are reminded to pack warm clothing for the weekend. Even though we are in cabins, the PLC has planned a lot of fun outdoor activities. Dressing in layers, a stocking cap, and boots will help keep you warm, along with packing several pairs of gloves and warm socks, so you can switch out of any that get wet.

We also have some special sign-up procedures for Mom’s Camp Transportation:

-If you are driving to camp on Friday night, or driving home on Sunday, and do not want to transport any scouts other than your own, please sign up as a Friday night and/or Sunday night driver but list the available seatbelts as EQUAL to your number of scouts. For example, if you and your two sons are driving to camp and do not wish to share a ride, please sign up to drive with 2 seats only. This will let us know that we do not need to find seats for your scouts, but you cannot take others.
-If you are driving to/from camp on Friday/Sunday, and are willing to take other scouts, please list the number of available seat belts for everyone but you (i.e. I am driving myself, my two scouts, and I have room for two more, I would sign up to drive with room for 4 total scouts).
-If your scout is arriving late or leaving early, please note that on their sign-up for camp, as usual.
-If you are arriving to camp or leaving camp early (not Friday night or Sunday morning), please note that on your camp sign-up and do not sign up to drive.

Finally, remember that a scout does not need to have his Mom at camp in order to join us for the weekend. There are typically quite a few scouts who’s mom’s aren’t able to attend, so all scouts are definitely welcome at camp regardless if their Mom is able to be there or not.

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at camp!

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