2021 Philmont High Adventure Dates

We are happy to announce that the troop was awarded two crews for a 12-day Philmont trek in the summer of 2021! The crews will be departing for Philmont on Friday, June 18th, 2021, and returning on Thursday, July 1st.

Philmont Scout Ranch is a BSA High Adventure Base in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of northern New Mexico, where attendees have the opportunity to participate in high adventure activities, while backpacking through the beautiful mountain landscape. In order to participate in the Philmont High Adventure trip, a scout must have completed the 8th grade, as well as meet additional rank and participation requirements. A list of these requirements can be found in the following document:

High Adventure Requirements

There is a crew size limit for Philmont, so if you are interested in attending, start working towards rank and participation goals now, to help increase your chances of receiving an invitation to the trip. The High Adventure Committee scores each scout on various metrics, and then uses those scores to determine which scouts to invite. A list of all of the ways you can earn points on the High Adventure Scorecard can be found here:

High Adventure Scoring

If you have any questions about High Adventure, or Philmont Scout Ranch, please talk to an adult leader.

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