Advancement Night – Tuesday, September 22nd

Thanks to everyone who joined us for Pirate Gold Rush camp this past weekend, and an extra shout out to all of the youth and adult leaders for their hard work in preparing and running a great camp! It was a fun weekend filled with patrol spirit and troop fellowship. We are proud of the way that everyone adapted to the changes and challenges of how our camps will be this year, and we appreciate your flexibility and cooperation as we move forward with our future meetings and activities.

This Tuesday’s meeting will be an Advancement Night and PLC Session from 7:00-8:30, in the outdoor area at St. John Neumann Catholic Church. Remember, the best way to have a successful Advancement Night is to come prepared to work on and sign off some specific advancements. PLC members are also reminded to fill out and submit your SSC’s. You do not need to wear your class A uniform for this meeting, but please come dressed prepared to spend the evening outside. It is also a good idea to get in the habit of bringing a headlamp or flashlight with you to our weekly meetings. Also, if you took home a dutch oven from camp, please return it cleaned and dried to this week’s meeting.

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