Mission Impossible Christmas Camp – Saturday, December 4

The annual Troop 701 Christmas Camp will be a day-camp this Saturday, December 4th. The camp will be held at Camp Butler, from 8:30 Am – 9:00 PM. The theme for this year’s camp is “Mission Impossible,” and our youth leaders have planned out some really great games! The cost for camp is $15, and we ask that you please sign up on TroopWebHost as soon as you can.

As per our Troop COVID Policy, we ask everyone to please perform some self-screening for illness before leaving for camp, including checking your temperature. If you are not feeling well, please stay home, so that you can get better!

We will be spending a good portion of the day outdoors, so please check the weather forecast, and dress accordingly. Warm socks and gloves are definitely necessary, and Scouts should bring a couple of extra pairs of each. Please dress in layers, wear warm socks and boots, and a warm hat (a lot of scouts bring a Santa Hat for this camp). Also, with all of the fun activities that the PLC has planned it is VERY IMPORTANT that each Scout brings some additional special gear/items to camp. You can pack your gear in a duffel bag:

A couple of masks. We will be wearing masks when we are participating in our indoor activities, which will primarily be taking place in the late afternoon and evening.
-Some extra pairs of gloves and socks.
-Rain gear.
-One dozen homemade cookies. Please put your last name on the cookie container, if you want it returned.
-Christmas decorations and lights for decorating your Patrol Leader! Please don’t bring any tinsel, as it is very difficult to sweep up.
-Candy and supplies for the gingerbread house building competition.
-A gift for the gift exchange. The gift should be valued at $15, and needs to be wrapped (but not tagged). Please bring a fun gift that would be appropriate for a 12-year old Scout.
-A filled water bottle
-Your white or green advancement book.
-Patrol Leaders should bring their patrol flag.
-Lots of holiday spirit!

Although we will not be camping overnight, everyone who attends will earn one night of camping, and this camp will also count towards any Year Round Camper and consecutive monthly camping streaks.

Please remember to put your name on all of your gear. If you have any questions about camp, please don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know. We hope to see you there!

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