A Message from the Kernel

Congratulations to those of you who have worked hard during our popcorn sale. We have at least two $1000.00 sellers and several $500.00 sellers. However, we are near the final part of the sale and we still need everyone’s participation to make this a success. We still have a big surplus and have not yet raised enough money to cover our inventory. We need your help now!

On Tuesday, October 27 bring your all your take orders to the meeting so I can tabulate the final order for the troop. If you do not bring it to the meeting, your order must be delivered to me by email (silveriskin@sbcglobal.net) or to my home (255 Clark St., Berea) by 4:00pm on Friday, October 30th.

All collected money from Show and Sell is due to me by the meeting on Tuesday, November 3rd, but sooner is better. If individuals still have inventory at home that they will be returning, please let me know by this Tuesday.

Once I know what we have to fill from our take order, and what inventory is out, but not sold, I will know what surplus we have. I will particularly calling upon youth leadership to help plan a way of selling the inventory.

Most importantly, remember SELL! SELL! SELL! There are still a few days left. Remember you are not selling popcorn, you are selling the scouting program.

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