Class A Uniforms for Summer Camp

As we look forward to Summer Camp next month, all of our Scouts are reminded that you must have a complete Class A uniform in order to attend. This is the tan Class A uniform shirt and official BSA olive green shorts or pants. Look-alikes are not an acceptable option. If you will be wearing Scout shorts, you need to be wearing the olive green BSA Scout socks. It is recommended that you bring an additional pair of Scout socks with you to camp, so that you will have a clean pair to wear home.

If you are in need of uniform clothing, please check with our Troop Uniform Exchange to see if we already have what you need. Contact our Uniform Exchange coordinators Dan and Monique Merk for information on what we have in stock. You can also purchase BSA uniform clothing at the Lake Erie Council Scout Shop. Please take some time now to make sure that you are all set to go with your uniform for Summer Camp. Thanks for your cooperation!

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