Duty to God Award

During the upcoming season of Lent, there is an opportunity for Scouts to earn a Duty to God award. The season of Lent is a special time in Christian faiths. To promote the timeless ideal of Reverence and encourage community service and church attendance, the Duty To God program was created. Please see the attachments at the end of this message for a simple and meaningful activity, which can be done by any youth or young adult in Scouting America.

All that is required is that there be church attendance for 7 weeks on the Sundays (and/or Wednesdays) of Lent. Younger Scouts will use the special reporting page to draw a picture showing something that happened in a Bible reading of the day. Older Scouts can write a sentence or two about something their spiritual leader said in his or her sermon.

Then everyone will write a sentence or phrase on how they will show their Duty To God to others that week. An adult will initial the page, and that’s it!

After Easter Sunday, when the 7 pages are complete, they can be mailed or emailed or pictures of them messaged. Although the ‘deadline’ is May 10, entries will be accepted anytime – but please, sooner than Advent!

Scouts will receive a cool pin that they can wear proudly in recognition of their efforts, along with a special certificate. These will be given in person or mailed to someone for awarding at an appropriate time.

Duty to God Info Sheet

Duty to God Reporting Page

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