June Virtual Camp – Saturday, June 13th

Our next virtual campout is this Saturday! The schedule for this camp will be a little different. The first part of camp will begin at 2:30 PM and go until 5:00 PM. We will take a break for dinner, and then return at 7:00 PM for the second part of camp, ending our activities around 8:30 PM.

Just like last month’s camp, scouts are encouraged to set up a tent (in their house or yard) or a blanket fort, and to sleep in their sleeping bag. The PLC is really excited about the activities they have planned for this camp and are looking forward to having as many of our scouts attend as possible!

Here is information about the camp from our SPL Alex:

Just like May Camp, our upcoming camp is going to be very different from a normal camp. However, it should be just as fun as a normal camp, although it is much shorter. The PLC planned a lot of really great activities for this camp! Also, if you would like to get something signed off for a rank, you can stay in the Zoom meeting after 5:00 for a while to get something signed off.

Here’s everything you should have ready for camp:
– A phone, laptop, or other device that can be used for Zoom and can be moved around with you if you need to move. You should be able to use Zoom while using other apps on your device at the same time. If you can’t do this, you should have two devices with you if possible. If you only have access to one device and you cannot run multiple apps at the same time on it, you will still be able to participate and should still be a part of the camp. However, it will be much easier if you can run multiple apps at the same time.
– You should have a charger with you for your electronic device(s). Our camp will likely take a lot of battery, and we would like to avoid people having issues due to not having a charger nearby.
– You should have an area where you will be participating in the camp from set up ahead of time. If possible, you should have a fort or tent set up somewhere (just because that’s more fun than not having something set up). If you can participate from outside, I would recommend doing so (it is a camp, after all). If you want to participate from outside, make sure you have access to a charger and internet connection.
– You should have some blank sheets of paper with you (either completely blank sheets or a notebook would work) as well as a writing utensil.
– You should come prepared with things to get signed off during our advancement time starting at 5:00. Keep in mind that you can use this as an opportunity to get something that you need to do outside signed off (like requirements involving fire building). If you have questions about getting something signed off at camp, you can email an assistant scoutmaster or Mr. Kent with your questions.
– You should also have some s’mores supplies ready. You can either use the traditional s’mores ingredients or some original, creative ingredients to make s’mores. Who knows, maybe some weird combination of things on your s’mores will be really good (or at least entertaining). We will be using these around 7:15-7:45. You can use a fire, a microwave, or an oven to make s’mores. You can probably make s’mores over the stove or in a couple other ways as well, although a fire, the oven, or a microwave are definitely more reliable. Make sure that however you make s’mores, you do it safely and your parents know what you’re doing.

I hope to see you all at camp! It should be a lot of fun – I know I’m excited for it!


As with our weekly meetings, we will be utilizing Breakout Rooms at camp, so if parent’s are available to assist, we ask that you please sign up on TroopWebHost as well.

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