Merit Badge Opportunities – Lake Erie Nature & Science Center

The Lake Erie Nature & Science Center offers several merit badge opportunities throughout the school year.  These badges are all taught by certified merit badge counselors, who provide a hands-on learning experience.  More information about the badges offered, how to register, and dates for the classes, can be found at the following link:

LENSC Merit Badge Program

If you are interested in attending one or more of these classes, please see Mr. Smith for a merit badge blue card prior to signing up.  Note: You are responsible for arranging the class yourself.

Patrol Leaders and Assistants, these classes may present you a great opportunity for a patrol meeting or two this year.  A number of patrols took advantage of these programs last year, and they come highly recommended.

Please be aware that for most of the merit badges being offered, there are requirements that must either be completed before the class, or afterwards.  If you need to find a certified merit badge counselor to complete a badge, please see Mr. Smith.

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