New Meeting Location – Strongsville High School Media Center

We have a new home for our weekly troop meetings.  The Media Center at Strongsville High School provides us with a variety of spaces and meeting options to use to fit the needs of our program.  While a gym space may not always be available and guaranteed every week, we are confident that our youth leadership team can develop creative ways to use the outdoor locations, indoor options, and the gyms, to provide fun and engaging game opportunities.

The SHS staff has requested that we only use the Main Entrance (entrance A) when entering and exiting the building.  While there are other doors that are closer to the Media Center, please help us respect the request of the school by only using the Main Entrance.  When entering the school, walk forward up the stairs, and through the cafeteria.  When you reach the hallway, turn right, and then follow that hallway until you reach the Media Center on your right.

We understand that this change may take some time to get used to, so we appreciate your patience while we work out the kinks.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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