October 27th Troop Meeting

We will be having another virtual Troop meeting this Tuesday, from 7:00-8:30 PM. Similar to last week, we will email out the Zoom link on Tuesday morning. For one of the activities planned for this week’s meeting, please have some paper, tape, and scissors available. Also, every scout is encouraged to dress up in a Halloween costume (scouting-appropriate, please) for this meeting! If you choose not to wear a costume, please wear your Class A uniform. We are also looking for parents to assist with monitoring our Breakout Rooms, so if you are available to lend a hand, that would be greatly appreciated!

This Monday is our fundraiser with the Brew Kettle in Strongsville! Please read the details below, and share the flyer with your friends and family members. We are still in need of some more volunteers for our annual Yard Charge service project on November 7th. You can read more about that below as well, and please sign up using the Sign-up Genius link if you are able to help out. Lastly, November Camp is two weeks from this upcoming weekend, so please don’t forget to begin your 14-day temperature log later this week.

Many thanks to all of you for making such a smooth transition to last week’s virtual meeting, and for helping to make it successful and enjoyable! By working together, we will continue to have fun and positive experiences, and will not let the current limitations we are facing prevent us from enjoying the time we get to spend with one another. Your continued participation and support of our program is so greatly appreciated, and is the reason why Troop 701 is, and will continue to be, one of the strongest troops around!

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