Mrs. Meade and Mrs. Frushour are generously coordinating the raffle baskets for the pancake breakfast this year. They are asking each patrol to pick a theme, collect the basket items, and assemble at least one basket. Adult leaders and parents are also invited to assemble a basket. (Last year, the troop had over 20 baskets to raffle off). These baskets really help raise money for the troop, so let’s get creative!
Themes are first come, first choice. Please no duplicate themes. Everyone will sign up for their theme online this year.
Patrol/Staff Leaders & Adult Contributors: please review the available themes at the link below and click on the button to sign up for a theme. Note what item(s) you will contribute to the basket theme you’ve chosen. Remind your members to sign up for the same theme.
Patrol/Staff Members: please sign up under the theme chosen by your leader and note what item you will bring.
Basket total value should be around $25 – $30 (minimum) – more is fine.
Due date for unwrapped baskets/basket items: 2/25/2025
Due date for assembled and wrapped baskets: 3/4/2025
Note that Patrols are not expected to assemble and wrap the baskets but can if they desire. Baskets must be neat, please.
We are also looking for empty baskets! Did you win a scout or school basket raffle at one time and now you have an empty basket you don’t need? Please bring them in to scout meetings! We will re-use them for future basket raffles. Baskets must be in good condition. Give them to Cotton or Finn Meade at any meeting. We also welcome donations of un-themed basket “stuffing” (like paper grass), cellophane, or unused ribbons. Renew, Reuse, Recycle! Thank you for your help!
If you have a connection to a local business that might want to help us with this fundraising effort, please ask them for an in-kind donation that can be used in a basket and let Mrs. Meade know about the donation. We will be pleased to advertise their business on the morning of the pancake breakfast.
Thank you for your help creating these baskets and contributing toward the bus to Summer Camp!
For questions, contact Mrs. Meade.
Sign up at the link below:
Thank you for your help creating these baskets and moving the bus to summer camp!