Polar Bear Parent Meeting This Tuesday

There will be an important Polar Bear Parent meeting this Tuesday during our regular Troop Meeting.  The meeting will start shortly after 7PM and it will cover everything you and your scout need to know to make our upcoming Polar Bear Camp a success. We ask that all parents of the troop attend.

Who Should Attend this Meeting?:  All parents of Troop 701 Scouts.  Polar Bear is one of our most important camps of the year.

When is Polar Bear? Saturday January 13th to Sunday the 14th – about 24 hours.

What is Polar Bear? A 24-hour Outdoor Winter camping experience where scouts will sleep in a shelter he builds and cook his own food.

Why is Polar Bear Important? 
The BSA program is a youth development program that encourages personal growth primarily through a camping framework where teamwork and leadership are practiced.  Polar Bear is important because it’s a new experience which for many scouts is outside of their normal camping comfort zone.  Placing scouts into camping experience that are both new and challenging, but where they can ultimately be successful, is a key method of personal growth.

Is My Scout Ready?
  Yes, he’s most certainly ready.  And remember, our camping program is intensive and full of training. We camp each month and all of this camping experience throughout the year prepares scouts for the more challenging campouts.  This year’s November camp for example was an entire weekend with temperatures around 25F.  This is why it’s so important that a scout camps each month.

Why is Polar Bear Challenging? Not because it’s cold, but because it’s a new experience.


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