Our camp for the month of January will be a day camp, scheduled for Saturday, January 15th. With Covid-19 cases continuing to increase in our communities, we decided that this style of camp would be a safer course of action for our Scouts and their families. The camp will be held at Richfield Heritage Preserve, in Richfield, from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. The cost for camp is $10, to help cover lunch and snack foods, and we ask that you please sign up on TroopWebHost if you are planning to attend. If you are planning to arrive to camp late or leave early, please indicate that in the comment section of your sign-up.
We will be meeting in the parking lot at the Oviatt Road entrance to Richfield Heritage Preserve (4225 Oviatt Road, Richfield, OH 44286) at 8:30 AM. Please use this entrance for the park, and not the main entrance off of Broadview Road. Scouts can be picked up at the same parking lot at 5:00 PM.
The theme for this month’s camp is Space Race & Cold War, and our awesome PLC and youth leader teams have been hard at work planning some really fun and engaging activities for everyone to participate in. We definitely hope you will consider joining us!
We will be spending the day outdoors, so please check the weather forecast, and dress accordingly. Warm socks and gloves are definitely necessary, and Scouts should bring a couple of extra pairs of each. Please dress in layers, wear warm boots, and a warm hat. In addition to dressing warmly, here are some important gear items everyone should bring as well:
-A couple of masks
-Extra gloves
-Extra socks
-Extra jacket/layer
-Your white or green advancement book (in a ziploc bag)
-Filled water bottle(s) (at least 1 quart)
-Camp chair
-Patrol Leaders should bring their patrol flag
Please pack your gear in a day pack (besides your camp chair) and make sure to label your gear with your name.
You do not need to worry about bringing food, as the troop will be providing lunch and an afternoon snack.
Although we will not be camping overnight, everyone who attends will earn one night of camping, and this camp will also count towards any Year Round Camper and consecutive monthly camping streaks. However, please remember that if you need to miss a camp due to illness/quarantine, an absence will not end those streaks, so please stay home if you are not feeling well.
If you have any questions about camp, please reach out to your Patrol Leader or an Adult Leader. Thanks so much, and we’re looking forward to seeing all of you at camp!