We are excited to announce that we will be holding two Eagle Courts of Honor for 7 of our 8 new Eagle Scouts. The dates are Saturday, May 8 and Saturday, June 5. Both will start at 2pm EDT and be held at the outdoor pavilion at the Parma Heights Baptist Church. The signups for attendance are now live on our Troop Web Host site. https://www.troopwebhost.org/Troop701Strongsville/Index.htm
All Scouts are strongly encouraged to attend. Due to COVID restrictions and social distancing, we will have enough room for our Eagle Scouts, their families, our adult leaders, and our Troop 701 Scouts.
We will be offering a live stream link to any parents who may want to remain in their cars or weather permitting, tailgate at the church.
This really is a special event. A great opportunity for your sons to see how they too can achieve the Eagle rank. Please visit TroopWebHost to sign your scout up for the Eagle Courts of Honor in May and June so we can complete our planning process. We expect each ceremony to last approximately 2 hours.
If you should have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our ECOH chair, Beth Miller.