Weekly Troop Meeting Info

Our troop meeting this week will be held in-person, in the pavilion at the back of the parking lot of St. John Neumann Catholic Church. We will be meeting from 7:00-8:30 PM. Everyone who attends must bring a completed Troop 701 COVID Screening form. This form should be filled out at home, right before you are about to leave for the meeting. You can access a copy of the form here:

COVID Screening Form

To facilitate Scout drop-off and COVID screening, please follow the arrows on the attached satellite image. We will also have cones and signs to help! Scouts should remain in their car until their COVID screening forms are collected and verified, as we did at day camp this past Saturday. The Scouts will then be directed to their small group location.

Drop-off Map

At pickup time, the Scouts will be dismissed to go to their parent’s car directly. There is no need to line up – you may park and wait for your Scout to be ready to leave.

In order to safely conduct our meetings, we are required to keep our group sizes to 10 or less. Similar to how we conducted our meetings in the fall, the Scoutcraft activities and games will all be patrol-focused. All of our Scouts did a great job with this at our meetings and campouts earlier in the year, so we ask that you please continue to keep up the great work!

Since we will be outside for the entirety of the meeting, please make sure to dress warmly. This means a stocking cap and gloves, and warm layers of clothing. You do not need to wear your Class A uniform. However, everyone must wear a mask the entire time they are at the meeting. Also, just a reminder that we do not have access to any restroom facilities at the church.

With this being the Tuesday after a camp, it would normally be an Advancement Night, but we are going to be having a normal-style troop meeting this week, and save the Advancement Night for next Tuesday’s meeting (which will be virtual). However, you are always welcome to come prepared to work on advancements at any of our meetings.

As long as conditions in the community remain safe enough to schedule in-person activities, our goal is to hold in-person weekly meetings every other Tuesday, with virtual meetings being held the other weeks. Also, if the weather conditions are not conducive to a safe or enjoyable in-person weekly meeting, we may decide to switch to a virtual meeting, and adjust the plan for future weeks if necessary. As always, we thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we work together to offer our members the best program possible!

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