Archive for July 2017

Upcoming Events

A quick reminder that there will be no troop meeting tonight. We will be meeting next Tuesday August 1st for our 5 mile hike.  Please check out the MOTW post with important details on the hike as our route has changed this year. Our first regular troop […]

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2017-2018 Camping Schedule

We have finalized the dates of our upcoming camping year.   Our first camp of the year will be Friday September 22.  One big change is that we will be moving Summer camp from week four to week two. September: 22-24 October: 6-8 November: 10-12 December: 8-10 January: […]

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Scouting For Food Thank You

The Scouts and families of Troop 701 did a fabulous job this past spring collecting items for Scouting for Food. We wanted to share this thank you letter from the Strongsville Emergency Food Bank. Great work, 701! Scouting_for_Food – Thank You Letter, Please Read.

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Lost and Found

Lost and Found: If this is yours, please call Laura Eizember at 440-821-2445.   .

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“Because Of You” Thank You

Thank you to Ed Zalar for speaking with us at the Summer Camp Social about BOY, the “Because Of You” campaign for scouting in Northeast Ohio (the new “Friends of Scouting” campaign). As Ed explained, this fundraising campaign supports the activities of Boy Scouts of America in […]

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Five Mile Dairy Queen Hike – August 1st

The annual 5-mile hike to the Strongsville Dairy Queen will be on Tuesday, August 1st.  This year, we will be hiking a different route, but will still be ending at the same place.  We will be meeting at 6:15 pm. at the Lake-to-Lake Trail Parking Lot by […]

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Patrol Draft Results

The PLC held the annual Patrol Draft this week, and here are the results! Crocodiles: PL: Jackson P. APL: Nick W. Patrol Members: Chris C., Evan H., Aaron J., Landon K., Joe K., Michael O., Jacob Y. Huskies: PL: John D. APL: Matt K. Patrol Members: Daniel […]

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Summer Camp Medical Forms

Thank you to everyone who has responded to the emails and phone calls about updating your scout’s forms in preparation for summer camp. If you have not yet turned in your scout’s Heritage Supplemental Form or Medical Form Parts A, B, and C, please make arrangements to […]

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Picnic Thank You and Summer Camp Packing Lists

Thank you to everyone who attended the Annual Family Picnic. Thank you especially to Doug Hauck and Andy Leopold for serving as our grill masters, and to everyone who helped clean up after the event. If you were unable to attend, this is the information about summer […]

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Calling all 701 Moms

Come spend the evening with Troop 701 moms for our annual Summer Camp Mom’s Night Out! This is a great opportunity to meet other moms in the troop as well as ask questions you may have about the summer camp experience. Many first year moms find comfort […]

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